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Sugar Glider Female Mosaic in Milton, Florida For Sale

Sugar Glider Female Mosaic
Price: $495
Date/Time:25 Jul, 12:36 a.m. EST
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.

I am a USDA licensed breeder. I still only sell face to face. NO SHIPPING. You must be local and can spend the time to bond with your baby BEFORE you take it home. This process takes several weeks and must be done in my store. I have babies with lineage and some without. The prices posted here are for babies with no lineage. Our babies are raised onto Blessing's nectar Protein Plus for Gliders, a mixture of pellets, dried fruits and veggies, dried meal worms, yogurt drops, and a various treat mix, with fresh fruits and veggies in the evening.
Female Mosaic 100% Leu Het

State: Florida  City: Milton  Zip code: 32583 Category: Services
Services in Florida for sale

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